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Singapore School | Semarang Kota
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Singapore School

Alamat : Jl. Bukit Candi Golf No.20, Graha Candi Golf, Semarang – 50247, Jawa Tengah
Telepon : (024) 850.9108
Fax : (024) 850.9107
Email : sissemarang[at]sisschools.org
Website : www.sis-semarang.com
Facebook : –
Twitter : –

Deskripsi : Singapore School, Semarang

Visi :
Empowering learners to achieve their full potential from a world-class, well rounded and innovative educational experience.

Misi :
Our Mission is to create a culture based on our shared values to promote learning communities that:
– work collaboratively in order for our learners to excel academically
– encourage the perseverance and pursuit of personal goals ethically and with integrity
– endorse and uphold strong family values
– encourage creativity and physical development of our learners in partnership with our neighbors

Kurikulum :
> Preschool
> Primary
> Secondary
> Junior College
> International Examination

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