Jl. Padma Boulevard Selatan Blok F
Komplek Perumahan Graha Padma, Semarang
Telepon :
> SMP : (024) 3543273
> SMA : (024) 3543884
> YAYASAN : (024) 76430500, Hp. 081 22 802 5555
Fax : (024) 76431555
Jl. MT. Haryono No. 752-756, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Telepon :
> TK : (024) 8444934
> SD : (024) 8447400
Fax : (024) 8413756
Email : info[at]karangturi.sch.id
Website : www.karangturi.sch.id
Facebook : www.facebook.com/sekolahkarangturi
Twitter : –
Instagram : www.instagram.com/sekolahkarangturi
Deskripsi : TK-SD-SMP-SMA Karangturi, Semarang (Akreditasi A)
Visi : Karangturi is a School of Global Entrepreneurial Spirit
Misi :
1.Assisting the students in acquisition of good attitudes, behaviors and personalities towards bodily healthy individuals for the development of their intelligence and skills in accordance with their talents and potencies as the basis for the success of their future endeavors.
2.Developing entrepreneurial spirit of each individual student as a competitive advantage in global competition.
3.Improving competency of teaching and administrative staff through trainings in professional attitudes and high dedication in the world of education.